Minggu, 04 Oktober 2015

Original Story : I Am Whole #3

Part 3 : Story

            The next morning, Doctor Peter found a letter in his table. “This must be the Lord’s letter. I’ll read it after breakfast.” He ate an exclusive breakfast, taken to his room by the chef himself. It was special, of course, considering the fact that he is the owner of the place. After the meal, he read the letter.
            It was said in the letter that Lord Renato had made friends with serious people to get to this facility. They all had code names. There were Tornado Mailer, the communication expert, Radiator brothers, Lemon and Melon, the mercenaries, and the last is Radioman El Tor, the leader of the team, who had never talked face to face to the rest of the team, just with radio contact. Thus the name, Radioman. The team’s purpose is to take over the facility and took all the valuables inside. Now, with Lord Renato inside, the team would knock on the door in two days. “May the odds be in your favor.” And that’s the end of the letter.
            “What is this ? Is this for real ?” Doctor Peter went to Miss Jules and had her called every employee at place, to be in a meeting right away.
            Dozens of employee showed up at the meeting hall, wondering what was happening.
            “What is this, Peter ? Explain now !” Doctor Tom asked. Doctor Peter just nodded his head and cleared his throat.
            “May I have your attention, please ? Thank you. I gather you all here, because I have a serious announcement which must be told immediately and directly to all of you. There is a huge problem coming and we need to act correctly and fast. Here in my hand is a letter from our renowned patient, Lord Renato. It says that there is a task force, out there, planning to attack this facility in two days and take over...”
            The silence was broken. Most people had talked to everyone near them.
            “Let me finish what I am saying. Please remain calm, people. Listen, I know this is sudden and shocking, I am shocked myself when I read it this morning. I need you to focus on what we are going to do now. We need to evacuate all other patients to other hospitals or asylums. Ensure their safety first. That and one other thing. I need a small group of people to stay here and help me get any information from Lord Renato. Maybe, somehow, we can stop the attack. So, anybody want to help, please meet me at my office in an hour. Take your time. Now everyone, back to your stations.”
            Everyone was shocked and scared. None of them want to die. So was Doctor Peter. As he walked to his office, his head didn’t stop thinking about this terrorist team. Why ? Why this facility ? Why now ? The thought rolled around and around in his head.
            After an hour, there was a knock on his door. Doctor Peter opened the door.
            “We are here, Peter. We would like to stay and help you.” There were Doctor Jerry, Doctor Tom, the head chef, and Miss Jules.
            “Thank you for your choice. Now let’s get to work. Miss Jules, handle the moving of other patients. Call every hospital and asylum in our list. Make sure everyone had a place.” Miss Jules nodded and rushed to her office.
            “Chef, handle other employee. Get them out of here. After you are done, back to the kitchen. Take this letter, there are instructions for you.” So the head chef went straight to employee’s lounge to gather all the other employees.
            “Jerry,  make sure that this place is secured. Lock every unused room. Turn off every unused equipments.”
            “I’ll search for some help in the lounge.” So Doctor Jerry rushed to catch up with the chef.
            “Tom, bring Lord Renato to Session Room 2. Give him something to keep him calm. We have to talk to him now. And help me with this interrogation.”
            “Well, Pete, there is a slight problem here. We just ran out of the med. With all this fuss, I don’t think we can wait for a delivery, right ? But if you give me some time, may be I can make it on my own. Let me work in the chem lab. I’ll take one chemist with me.”
            “If that’s the case, then do it. 15 mnutes ?”
            “That should be enough.”
            “I’ll help Jules with the calls.” And they went their own ways.
            Doctor Peter had just arrived at the administration to find Miss Jules on the phone. He grabbed the other phone and started calling hospitals and asylums in the list. The doctor’s team needed to work fast. Threat would come in 2 days. Or so they thought.

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