Minggu, 18 Oktober 2015

Original Story : I Am Whole #4

Part 4 : Symbol

            “Jules, I need to go check Lord Renato. Handle the rest, would you ?”
            “Just go. I got it.”
            At Session Room 2, there was only Lord Renato. All alone.
            “Hi, Lord. We meet again.”
            “Hey, Doc, where is your friend ? Who was it... Tom ? He took me here and left me all alone ! That’s rude.”
            “So he went away ? He got other things to do.”
            “Really ? What if he went for a snack ? Or even a nap ? That is very very not professional.”
            “Let’s just get to our case, shall we ? Let’s talk about your plan.”
            “But I tell all about it in the letter. You read it, right ?”
            “I sense something strange. Why are you telling me all this ? Your secret plan ? Even your friends’ names ?”
            “I just don’t want to lie anymore. That punch had me. I don’t want any of it anymore, Doc.”
            “Well, I overreacted back there. Your case is unique. I have never got something like this. A man willing to go to an asylum ? No way. I never thought it would happen.”
            “It was part of the plan. They need me to get in here. I was an actor, Doc. I don’t get the spotlight, but they got me. They had me to be in their team. I can’t imagine their would do  their “method” to make me accept their offer. I can’t get through that anymore. I’ll be insane for real !”
            “I get the picture. Now tell me, why the police sent you here ? Why here ? There are many other asylums that can handle your “disease”.”
            “In the police station, where I commited a crime with fake blood all over my shirt and a knife in my hand, a perfect act, I saw a doctor wearing a medical mask...”
            “Wait, what ? A doctor with a medical mask in a police station ? That’s odd.”
            “I thought so. So I asked to the police there and they just said that the doctor was willing to help me. He was in the station to give medical report about other incident and that’s that. Even though I know the plan, my team never told me how I will get here. Strange, right ?”
            “That was a one in a million. Very unique. But for a coincidence... I think that was staged. It was part of the plan to get you here.”
            “That’s what you thought ? Well, it may be. I never get the whole plan.”
            “Tell me more about the doctor.”
            “He, obviously, judging from the appearance, is about your height, short hair, big jaw, a pair of glasses, and the rest is hidden under his clothes.”
            “That’s it ? Nothing more ?”
            “Well, I saw a badge in the right shoulder of his jacket. A symbol. I think I’ve seen it somewhere, but I’m not sure. But there was definitely a badge. An institution, perhaps ?”
            “A symbol for an institution ? That’s interesting. Give me 5 minutes. I’ll bring my list of hospitals and asylums here. You stay here. I’m gonna lock the door, okay ?”
            “Sure, Doc. Take your time.”
            “That med sure make him relax dan cooperative.” Doctor Peter thought. He went to Miss Jules to get the list. Miss Jules had just finished her work. Every patient had had their place. He asked her to help the chef with the employees. After he got the lists, he went straight to Session Room 2. In the way, he saw all rooms in the hall had gone dark. Doctor Jerry sure had his work done well in this part of the facility.
            “It took longer than expected, Doc.”
            “Don’t worry. Here’s the list. Check for the symbol here. Let me know when you found it.”
            Lord Renato checked every symbol he saw. After 5 pages, he stared to a hospital’s symbol for quite a long time.
            “Is this it ?”
            “I’m not sure. The symbol I saw had the glass and snake thing, but I don’t think this is it.”
            “Then, take your time and search in the other pages.”
            Suddenly, there was a low tone hum in the room. Doctor Peter never heard this anywhere in his life before. When he looked at Lord Renato, he was sweating heavily.
            “What is it, Lord ?”
            “Don’t you hear the tone, Doc ? I know you heard it. Look at this.” The doctor shocked as Lord Renato opened his shirt. There was a blinking red light in his chest !
            “This is how Tornado Mailer, the communication guy, contact me. He do this everyday. Usually, I was in my room, just after lunch. I need to answer this, Doc, or they will know that something is wrong.”
            “I’ll be completely quiet. Take it.”
            Lord Renato pressed an area of his chest, maybe a switch was there. There was a click sound and a static. “How can people get a communication device in there ? That is insane !” Thought Doctor Peter. Then, a soft voice came out of Lord Renato’s body.
            “Hi, Lord. Doin’ good there ? Daily report please.”
            “Really ? That man can reach here ? In this super facility in the middle of nowhere ? How ? How far can they reach ?” Thought Doctor Peter.
            “I’m good. Real good. Nice lunch. Pretty nurse. Just had a session with the doctor / owner of this place. Not too clever, I guess.”
            “Don’t underestimate the owner, Lord. He should be smart,well, maybe not the brightest.”
            “But really ? Smart ? Not a chance ! I can flip his brain in no time.”
            “That is optimistic and I like that, man ! You rule ! Haha ! Now back to bussiness. I know you are not in your room.”
            “What ? How can he know ? I am completely silent here !” Thought Doctor Peter.
            “Really ? How so ?” Asked Lord Renato.
            “I’m hearing different sounds. The whole situation, the sounds and static I hear is not what I hear in your room. The place you are now is not your room. Don’t lie to me, Lord. Or, would you like to talk to Radioman ?”
            “No no no ! All right, I’ll tell you ! I have this cleaning guy to move some furnitures. New perspective for me. I need it in this boring, all-white maze ! I’m dying of boredom here !”
            “So that’s it. I get it. I know the feeling. Being in a room all by yourself. Every activity is indoor. I get it. It’s okay. And you won’t hear anything from Radioman. Take my word. Okay, then. Thanks for the daily report. Send my regards to the doctor. Bye.” And the speaker was off.
            “Wow, Lord. Good insult.”
            “I need to be completely convincing, Doc !”
            “Let’s just continue. About the symbol...”
            “I didn’t see it anywhere in this list. I don’t know, Doc.”
            “How come ? That is the list of every hospital and asylum in this country ! It must be there !”
            “I don’t know, Doc. I don’t see it !”
            “Look carefully ! Go through it all one more time ! You must find it !”

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