Sabtu, 19 September 2015

Original Story : I Am Whole #2

Part 2 : Rage

            After two hours, he woke up to find a report in his table. “From Jerry, I suppose.” So he read the report. It was said that Lord Renato had a very well-functioning brain, good reflex, and not a single organ dysfunction. He was completely healthy even in his age. “Wait, what ? Is this possible ?” Doctor Peter got so angry, he rushed to the administration room to schedule a session with Lord Renato. There, he met Miss Jules, the administration staff.
            “I need to see Lord Renato now. I want a session. No cameras. No microphone. No one.”
            “I’ll arrange a session in 30 minutes. You can see him in Session Room 2.” Said Miss Jules.
            “Can’t you make it faster ? I need to see this guy !” Doctor Peter insisted.
            “O-okay, sir. 5 minutes. Session Room 2.”
            Doctor Peter rushed to Session Room 2 to prepare his stuffs. On the way, he passed Doctor Jerry, but his mind was full of Lord Renato. He didn’t even notice his friend. While Doctor Jerry passed the administration counter, he asked Miss Jules.
            “What is all the fuss with Peter ? He seemed in a rush.”
            “I think he’s going mad about that new patient. He really want to talk to the patient, like, right now ! That’s odd.”
            “What ? A session ? At this time ? That’s out of schedule, right ?”
            “Definitely. I don’t know what is in his mind. Why don’t you take a look ? Session Room 2.”
            As Doctor Jerry arrived at the room, Doctor Peter had already talked to Lord Renato.
            “Explain yourself ! Why are you doing all this ?” Doctor Peter talked louder than ever.
            “Why are you so emotional ? Relax, Doc. Don’t you want information ? Behave, please.”
            “You behave ! This is all an act ! Your act ! Now tell me, why do you want to be brought here ? You have something in your mind ? A plan ? You want to ruin my facility ?”
            “That’s rude, Doc, accusing me without proof.”
            “Read this report. You are not mad. You are playing our minds. Spill your plan to me ! Right now !”
            “Plan ? There is no plan. And don’t you yell at me, Doc. I don’t appreciate that.”
            “Don’t lie to me !” Doctor Peter shouted to the fullest as he threw a powerful punch to Lord Renato’s face.
            “Cut it, Peter ! Stop !” Doctor Jerry immediately went in the room and held Doctor Peter’s hands, and carried him out of the room. “Are you mad ? What happened in there ?”
            “That man is lying about his condition ! You heard that right ? Did it correlate with your report ? Your own report ?
            “That’s correct. That’s my report. Let me be straight now. You haven’t read it all, have you ?”
            “Of course I read all of it !”
            “Then go to the last page ! A small part of his brain is damaged. His sanity is unstable. He may be suffering schizophrenia or anything. I need to check his brain more to be sure. Come on read it, now.”
            “The report is in the room. On the table.”
            “I’ll allow you to get it. But, please, behave yourself ! No more harm to patients ! We’re doctors, Peter ! Remember that ! Now go. I’ll be watching.”
            Doctor Peter went in the room to get the report. Lord Renato had his forehead on the table, like he was in great pain. When Doctor Peter grabbed the report, Lord Renato lifted his head and looked straight to the doctor’s face.
            “You got me, Doc.” He said softly.
            “What ? What are you talking about ?”
            “I had a plan. But I can’t tell it to you. I’ll be killed ! And I don’t like your friend out there. Jerry, right ? So, let me write it in my room and you can have it by the morning. I can tell that it is a sensitive letter, just for you. Please, Doc. I’ll tell you everything. Just, no more punches. It hurts a lot, really.” Lord Renato begged.
            “Now you’re talking... I accept your plan. And don’t try to lie again to me !” And Doctor Peter went out of the room. Doctor Jerry was there.
            “What’s that ? A small chat ?” Doctor Jerry asked.
            “Nothing important. As you know, he may be out of his own mind.”

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