Minggu, 13 September 2015

Original Story : I Am Whole

Part 1 : Introduction

            Doctor Peter prepared his equipments and went to his patient’s room. That day he was super excited because this patient was no ordinary guy. Not just an ordinary insane guy. He was a well-known villain, who went by the name “Lord Renato”.
            Doctor Peter went down the alley wondering why the police asked him to interrogate this man. It never happened in his life before, despite all the bad guys that went crazy and sent to his facility, in his private island. He wondered how twisted was this guy that he was sent to this super facility where every patient was so psychologically ill that none of government’s asylum could handle.
            “Really ? The police can’t even conduct an interrogation with this man ? Those lazy doughnut-eater...” He thought.
            Finally he arrived at the specially-decorated interrogation room. Usually this room was a room to hold patients who were physically active and needed to be restrained. The room was equipped with surveillance cameras with microphones from lots of angles. In the room was a huge mirror, but it wasn't any ordinary mirror; it was a mirror from one side, but just transparent glass form the other side, like the ones in police interrogation room. This “other side” room used to be a place where doctors could monitor the restrained patient. At the moment, it was used by other doctors and representatives of police to survey the interrogation process. By the time Doctor Peter went inside, his eyes caught something unusual. A man, in his 40s, sat in a chair with an expressionless face. This man is so calm and his personalities were well-hidden, it sent a chill down the doctor’s spine.
            “This man is absolutely not a common rabble. He is good. Really good. But a super villain ? No way.” He said in his heart.
            It was due time so the doctor started the interrogation.
            “Good day, Mister Renato.” The doctor said.
            “Lord. Lord Renato. I insist.” The man said.
            “Okay then, just Lord, if that’s okay. So, do you know why you are here ?” The doctor asked.
            “Because I am worth it, right ? I don’t belong in police cages. I belong here.” The man answered.
            “So you belong here ? What makes you said that ?”
            “Obviously, I am a Lord. A villain lord. A villain so good that those stupid police thought that I am ill, my mind to be precise, am I right ?” The man said while looked to the big mirror.
            “So, are you ill ?”
            “I am what people think I am. How about you, doc ? What do you think about me ? About this first impression ?”
            “This is not the right procedure, Lord. I do the question, you do the answer. As simple as that.”
            “Really ? How boring. How about we talk about your hobbies ? You got any ? Well I like playing games, free ones.”
            “Let’s talk about what you did, Lord. Why do you end up here ?”
            “So, your hobby is questioning crazy people, eh ? That’s new. Unique and quite cool, I think. Well I still prefer games, though. Can’t help it. The tension, the graphics, the storyline, oh so good !”
            “Lord, why do you end up here ? Tell me that.”
            “You are a persistent one, doc. Rock hard. I can talk about anything and you still want to talk about the past, my past. I don’t have a lot of time, so I’ll answer. What I did was I, simply, tell those cops that I have killed a man in my apartment.”
            Doctor Peter was astonished. He thought this man was just another high man who liked to talk about random, not important things, but he could make that unexpected statement in front of the cops.
            “This is definitely not normal. Was this guy wanted to be arrested ? Damn. This man isn't just crazy, his brain must be completely damaged !” He thought.
            “Okay, then. That’s enough for the introduction. We’ll keep in touch, Lord.” He said as he walked out the room. He didn't expect this. This was unimaginable. Not in his life.
            On the way to his office, he met his colleague, Doctor Jerry, the neurologist, and Doctor Tom, the anaesthesiologist. They were going to examine Lord Renato.
            “That Lord guy is crazy !” Said Doctor Peter.
            “Really ? How so ?” Asked Doctor Tom.
            “He confessed a crime, which he have never done ! You believe that ? Do people do that ever?
            “That is not normal. Definitely a problem in his brain. And that is why I'm here.” Said Doctor Jerry. “After the test, I’ll report to you, Doc.”
            Then the three of them went to their own way, continued what they were doing. As for Doctor Peter, he went to his chamber to take a nap. That man had given him a headache. A perfect hit to his brain. A lunatic patient with severe brain damage that would take a very long time to handle. “A good nap will help me.” Or so he thought.

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