Senin, 05 Februari 2018

29. So I dreamed...

Kabar baik?
Semoga baik deh.
Buanglah perasaan negatif dalam diri lu ketika lu baca blog ini, karena blog ini bisa dibilang menyerupai Dementor di serial Harry Potter.
Langsung ke topik utama : mimpi gua baru-baru ini.
Kembali lagi ke topik yang menunjukkan betapa anehnya otak gua dan betapa liarnya imajinasi yang dihasilkannya.
Otak : *wink*
Gua : Ini bukan pujian, cuk.
Transkrip di bawah ini adalah tulisan yang gua buat di Notepad, berdasarkan ingatan gua atas mimpi yang gua saksikan.
Masih seger nih. Gua baru mulai nyatet mimpi gua lagi beberapa hari yang lalu, karena tiba-tiba gua mulai mimpi lagi.
Mungkinkah otak gua sudah mempersiapkan konten untuk blog ini secara tidak sadar? Gua pun nggak tau.
Cus langsung ke inti dari postingan ini.
Selamat menikmati!
Beberapa petunjuk dalam membaca:
1. "Euh! Bahasa Inggris! Kan gua jadi bete!"
=> Sebagai manusia, gua memohon maaf. Sebagai pembuat konten, gua bilang "derita lu".
2. Mohon maaf kalau penggunaan Bahasa Inggris gua jelek dan tata bahasanya nggak karuan. Maklum, gua masih belajar.
3. Total ada 3 cerita, masing-masing dibatasi oleh sebaris tanda strip / dash (------).
4. Kalau ternyata ceritanya nggak layak untuk dinikmati, maka buanglah ke tempat yang sesuai.
I was a detective (?)
Or a private investigator (?)
There was a series of acts from a criminal (?)
This criminal brought terror and fear.
This criminal worked with 3 partners, one was a lady and she was like this criminal's top aide. second one was someone short. liked hoodie,
somewhat a witch (?), and third one was "the real criminal" as this one was the popular one.
This criminal was the mastermind (?).
Second act: They sticked a fat man on the top of a historic monument, somewhat Greek-styled. No casualties.
Final act before I woke up: Third person view of the mastermind chatted with his top aide and the witch on a wooden pier on a lake. "This is my last one. Do you want this?" He asked his top aide, who refused. Then he poured all of the water and small rocks from a milk carton, while he was acting like it was indeed milk. The other two just sighed.
Then something came up. The scene moved.
"The real criminal" was causing an uproar in a building complex and the cops were there.
Somehow this was not 'the crime'.
This was a setup.
The cops were preparing a mitigation unit, two of the members were in a motorcycle. One of these guys were the witch, still in hoodie.
Near them, there was another motorcycle, an old model, with 2 persons on it, dressed farmer style.
They were the mastermind and its top aide, looked all happy.
being traveler/wanderer/explorer (?)
in a city, on a desert situation
square houses with wooden doors and square glass-less windows
smooth unpaved streets
I was cracking a cryptic message about something
weird symbols, maybe middle eastern (?)
I was sitting in front of someone's house with some people, under a tarp
weather is nice
still trying to understand the message
suddenly, aha! this is the number 9 in arabic! it is "shin!"
yes! that's why I used to remember '9' as 'shinseiya' !!!
then a thunderstorm was coming to our town.
people were afraid
I was a student in an academy with a dorm inside school ground. strict rules.
we could go outside of school by taking a school bus
we dropped somewhere and we should be back at some time to take the school bus back to school
something felt ominous.
we decided to go back to school
when we arrived at the bus stop, the last school bus had just departed
"Look, we can take this one!", my friend said as he and my other friends was entering another bus
I was not sure, but I guessed that was our only option.
I went in.
The interior felt like a commercial airplane, mostly because of the arrangement of the seats
It felt wrong
My friends were going to the seats just behind the driver
Something felt so wrong
Q : Kenapa mimpi lu suasananya horor semua?
A : Nggak tau juga. Gua nggak konsumsi konten horor sebelum gua tidur. Kondisi kamar gua nggak nyeremin. Gua nggak ada kebutuhan untuk bangun (kecuali di mimpi kedua, dimana begitu gua bangun, gua langsung kebelet ke toilet untuk buang air kecil! Mimpi 1 - Gua 0 !!!)
Q : Serius nih? Mungkin ini pengalaman lu kali.
A : Nggak tuh. Gua nggak pernah mengalami hal-hal yang gua mimpikan. Ini bukan dari pengalaman pribadi gua.
Q : HAAAAAH ??? Untung deh gua nggak pernah mimpi yang kayak ginian.
A : Terima kasih telah berpartisipasi dalam perwujudan keinginan gua #CallBack #PostinganSebelumnya
Udah ah.
Gua lagi di kampus, nunggu restoran kampus buka untuk jam makan siang.
Sudah lapar.
Saatnya makan.
Jangan lupa makan siang lu.
Good day!

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