Rabu, 25 April 2018

30 Day Drawing Challenge #10. Favorite Candy/Sweets

I have a sweet tooth, yo.
Kalimat barusan hampir nggak bisa diterjemahin ke Bahasa Indonesia.
Gua suka makanan/minuman manis, yo. Sogokan yang bagus buat gua, lho.
Roti bakar manis.
Kue yang nggak terlalu manis.
Minuman bersoda.
Gula pasir.
Es krim.
Sentuhan / kasih dari seorang wanita. Ups.
Yang terakhir itu manis banget, lho. Serius. Gua pernah dapet, tapi nggak terjaga. Kata gua sih karena gua terlalu cupu untuk berkomitmen. Kata gua sih. Mungkin bener. Mungkin nggak cocok untuk postingan ini.
Kuy ah.

1. Bounty

I mean, sweet packed coconut shaving/shredded coconut covered in sweet chocolate ? Genius. Just genius. 

2. Gula Aren

Disclaimer : Gua nggak tau ini sebenarnya gula aren beneran atau permen gula aren.
It's literally just tablets of palm sugar (the real deal, the traditional one, the one made with a mother's hand in a very traditional kitchen) wrapped in a sheet of corn leaf. It's literally just tablets of sugar. So sweet~

3.  Wajik

Gelatinous rice cooked with palm sugar, pandan leaves (for aroma), and santan/coconut milk (for absolute awesomeness). Cooked to the perfect texture, let cool, and cut into "wajik" shape (literally means "diamond" in English, as in the poker card suite). Nice.

4. Timus

A very nice concoction of cassava shaving (cassava flour, perhaps) cooked with coconut milk (yeah, we Indonesians love that stuff, like, for real), palm sugar (again, we love this stuff to death, too). Cooked to the perfect consistency, let cool, and wrapped with a sheet of banana leaf. Oomph!


Peringatan : konsumsi gula berlebihan mengakibatkan peningkatan kebahagiaan pribadi gua dan peningkatan kemungkinan timbulnya efek negatif akibat konsumsi gula berlebihan.
Kira-kira gitu.
Mohon maaf karena gua cuma seorang mahasiswa teknik yang belum juga diwisuda.

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