Rabu, 20 November 2013

Do I even need an answer?

You know, changing is very normal in human life. As time flies, people change. When happiness strikes, bad things vanished. When sadness comes, dark times follow. Life is changing and that's pretty normal.
But, do I ? Time flies, lots of things happen, sadness and happiness comes frequently, deaths happen and new ones come. But, do I change? Am I changing? I'm still thinking the exact same thing, the thing that I cannot tell anybody, I can't show it, express it, change it. I'm stuck in this place. I can't change it because I don't want to. It's too beautiful. It contains lots of memories. But at the same time, it's killing me. I can't move. It's clinging on me. I may forget it for a while but at the right time it come back to me. It is living in me. And I'm the one who is allowing it to live in me. I don't want to get rid of it, even though I have to.
It formed me to be like this. Like I am now. It's in my past and my present. I can be like this, thanks to it, but now it's just messing with me.
I can play it any more. I'm stuck. I'm done. I cannot change a thing.
Now there's one way.
I'll just forget it. Forget how to feel. How to be happy, to be sad. I'll live with a mask.
That's pretty cool. I've done it many times before. I think I can do it now.
End of conversation.

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