Minggu, 01 November 2015

Original Story : I Am Whole #5

Part 5 : Missing

            “Please stop this, Doc ! The symbol isn’t in this list ! Maybe there’s another-“
            “It have to be there ! It must be there ! No more lies to me, Lord. You know what’s gonna happen !”
            Suddenly, a knock on the door. When Doctor Peter opened the door, he saw a young man, in his teens.
            “Excuse me, Doctor Peter. Sorry if I interrupt you. Doctor Tom-“ Just as the kid wanted to say his words, Lord Renato shouted to his fullest.
            “I SEE IT ! I SEE IT ! IT IS HERE, DOC !”
            Doctor Peter rushed to see him, leaving the kid speechless. “What is it ? You see the symbol here ?”
            And again, just as Lord Renato wanted to say his words, Miss Jules opened the door.
            “Doctor ! Please follow me, now ! Doctor Jerry needs your help !“
            “What ? What about Jerry ? Help ?”
            “I found him bleeding, Doc ! You’ve got to see him !”
            “Blood ? How ? Take me there now ! And you, kid, take this key and lock the door !” He said as he went to the door.
            “Doctor ! The symbol !” Shout Lord Renato. “The symbol is in every page ! Every single page !”
            Doctor Peter’s mind is so full of shock. He tried to focus to help Jerry first. Other things was not his priority. He heard Lord Renato’s words clearly, he just didn’t want to think about it.
            “This way, Doctor ! Just after this corner-“
            And nobody was there. No body, no blood, nothing.
            “Are you lying to me, Jules ? What is this ?”
            “I swear, Doc ! He was here ! Blood was everywhere !” Miss Jules cried.
            Doctor Peter went speechless and rushed back to Session Room 2. He left miss Jules there. But when he got back, he saw a terrible sight. The young man had a knife right through his forehead. Blood was everywhere.
            “What the hell ?!-“
            Suddenly he heard a slashing sound inside. The door was open. Inside the room was a man with short black hair and glasses and a lab coat, holding a bloody knife. The man saw him and climbed to the air vent in the ceiling.
            “Stop !” Doctor Peter shouted. But the man moved very fast in the vent. He went away.
            Inside the room, the mysterious man left Lord Renato bleeding. He had a cut in his chest. Doctor Peter grabbed the medical pack in the corner of the room and tended the wound.
            “That’s the guy, Doc. In the police station. I don’t know what happened. He went in and take the radio out of my chest and-“ Lord Renato let out a bloody cough.
            “Don’t say a word, Lord. Keep breathing normal. The wound isn’t very deep. You will survive.” He said while tending the wound.
            “I need to notify everyone before it’s too late. A killer is loose. I hope Jerry, Tom, and Jules, oh Jules, I left her there ! I hope they’re okay. I hope the employees is out of this mess.” Doctor Peter’s mind was scrambled. “The guy must be captured ! No one is going to die anymore !” To reduce his stress, he decided to check the young man outside. He was dead, obviously, because of the knife in his head. But when Doctor Peter checked the his jacket’s pocket, he found a syringe and a medicine bottle with a label “Anaesthesia for Peter”. “This is Tom’s med,” he thought, “why he gave it to this kid ? Why can’t he deliver this himself ?”. Then something came to his mind, “Was he the attacker ? But Jerry is missing too. He can also be the attacker !” Suddenly, he heard a woman screamed.
            “Jules !”

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