Kamis, 19 November 2015

Original Story : I Am Whole #6

Part 6 : Lockdown

                Doctor Peter brought Lord Renato with him to the source of the shout. He didn’t want anyone die. At the scene, he saw a woman, Miss Jules, was laying down in a pool of blood. She was dead. “I shouldn’t have left her behind !” He said in his heart.
                “This is messed up, Doc. This isn’t even my team’s attack. Let’s just get out of here now !” Said Lord Renato.
                “I need to find my friends first. Jerry and Tom might be targeted by the man who attacked you.”
                “They may be the attacker ! I’m almost a dead man ! Let’s just go !”
                “Maybe you’re right. I’ll get you out, then I’ll be back for my friends.”
                They walked through the hall. Every room was locked and the lights were off. “I hope Jerry is okay.” Thought Doctor Peter. They walked and walked. The hall seemed like it never ended. After about 10 minutes of walking, they saw the lobby.
                “Look ! There are many people outside ! Go get help !” Said Lord Renato.
                “They are my employees ! So they are out ! Let’s go !” Said Doctor Peter.
                Suddenly, a siren rang out. It was so loud that everybody closed their ears. Then, a voice came out.
                “Emergency ! Emergency ! This is not a drill ! A nuclear threat is imminent and we will lock this facility down ! Everybody keep calm and stay at your stations ! This is not a drill ...”
                “This place is going to be locked ! Rush for the door !” Shout Doctor Peter. Both of them ran as fast as they could. The employees outside noticed Doctor Peter and Lord Renato. They tried to hold the closing panel. But it was too late. The panel is too strong to be held. The whole facility was locked.
                “What do we do now ? There’s a killer inside !” Lord Renato panicked.
                “Let’s find a room and hide there until the police or Rangers or Seals or whoever out there opened this panel.”
                “Can’t we open it from the inside ?”
                “I’m afraid not. Look, I design the lockdown system myself. If the door shuts, it can only be opened from outside by cutting the panel with laser.”
                “You don’t have a laser here ?”
                “Why should we have it ? This is a mental facility ! We don’t build weapons !”
                “Damn it ! Now we’re going to die !”
                “Shut up, will you ? Just follow me.”
                They walked to the east wing of the facility, to the control room. On the way, every room is locked.
                “Jerry must have been here. He could have be the-“ Suddenly Doctor Jerry smashed through the control room door.
                “Peter ! Go back !” Shout Doctor Jerry.
                “What the hell ? Let’s run, Lord !”
                The two of them ran and ran and ran. They hadn’t had the chance to look back. They were too frightened. After 3 turns, they stopped. Doctor Jerry arrived right after.
                “Where have you been, Jerry ?”
                “I was just locking up the rooms, like you told me, when I heard a woman scream. When I went to investigate, a man with glasses hit me. I followed him to the control room, but he locked the door and did something with those buttons. I heard the siren ! He locked us !” Said Doctor Jerry fast.
                “How could you be inside then ?” Ask Doctor Peter.
                “Just after that, I break the door from outside. I went in, but the man unsheated his knife. I was scared ! I ran outside and then... you were outside too. And we’re here now. So who was that guy ? I’m sure I don’t recognize him.”
                “I think that’s your friend. That lab coat, that badge and symbol, that was I was saying to you, Doc. That’s the outfit of the doctor in the police station. The badge is your hospital’s badge ! I’m sure of it !” Said Lord Renato.
                “What ? Who ? Police station ?” Asked Doctor Jerry.
                “I’ll explain about the police station later. That woman, who screamed, was Miss Jules and she’s dead, Jerry. Right now, we need to find Tom. He is somewhere in this building.” Said Doctor Peter.
                “Let’s go together. No splitting up.” Said Doctor Jerry.
                “Lead the way, Doc.” Said Lord Renato.
                They went to the laboratory. Maybe Doctor Tom was there. He did make the medicine. After a while, they arrived at the lab. It wasn’t locked. No one is inside.
                “This is Tom’s jacket at the coat hanger !” Said Doctor Jerry. “He may still be here. Tom ! Tom ! It’s us ! Jerry and Peter !”
                “I don’t think it’s wise to shout, Doc. Just saying.” Said Lord Renato.
                “Come on, Peter ! We need to find Tom !” Said Doctor Jerry.
                “I know. But let’s just search. No shouting. I don’t think it’s safe.” Said Doctor Peter. They searched the whole lab. No sign of him anywhere.
                “Doc, I need to take a leak. Where’s the toilet ?” Said Lord Renato.
                “That corner. I’ll take you there.” Said Doctor Jerry. Lord Renato went inside. There was sound of a tap running, and a flush. A few footsteps and-
                “What the hell ?! DOC ! HELP !” Shout Lord Renato. Doctor Jerry and Doctor Peter rushed in but it was too late. Lord Renato was gone and there was a hole in the ceiling.
                “Damn it ! This man is like a rat !” Said Doctor Peter. “He did the same when he attacked Lord Renato before.”
                “Before ?” Ask Doctor Jerry.
                “Yeah, at Session Room 2. But I stopped him.” Said Doctor Peter.
                “This guy don’t leave his target alive, then. We need to be more careful. Let’s find Tom now!” Said Doctor Jerry.
                “Well, this guy might be Tom.”
                “What ? Why you said that ?”
                “There was this kid, with this medicine that Tom made, came to Session Room 2. Why did he send this kid ? Why couldn’t he deliver this himself ? And now he is missing !”
                “What the- ? That’s messed up, Peter. Tom might be that mysterious guy ?! Damn !”
                “Let’s just find a room to hide until someone open this place.”
                “And don’t get killed in the process.”

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