Sabtu, 28 November 2015

Original Story : I Am Whole #8

Part 8 : Peter

                Doctor Peter and Jerry went to the lobby. They redecorated it so that there was no place to hide at all. It became an open and silent place. Very, very silent. Suddenly, Doctor Peter burst into tears.
                “What is it, Peter ? Calm down !” Said Doctor Jerry.
                “Those people, Jerry. Jules, Tom, the others that maybe didn’t make it out of here.”
                “There were 7 only people inside, Peter. We have done what we could. We tried our best and we must accpet fate.”
                “I could have saved at least Jules.”
                “You did what you thought best, Peter.” Suddenly Doctor Peter fell. He was unconscious. “Hey ! Peter ! Hey ! Get a hold of yourself !”
                “Please... My meds... My office...”
                “I’ll get to it. Be still and quiet.” And Doctor Jerry went on his way. It took him about 10 minutes to get to Doctor Peter’s office and when he arrived, the door was already opened.
                “Very, very suspicious.” He thought as he entered the room and searched thoroughly for anybody in there and of course, the medicine. He was searching on the shelves when he found a medicine bottle with a label “Peter’s. 1 a day.”
                “What is this ? He is taking prescripted medicine ? Is he sick all this time ? What is this medicine anyway ?” He kept it to himself and went on his way to the lobby.
                On the lobby, Doctor Peter struggled to get the best resting position. Every move is painful yet he managed to sit on a couch to get a better rest. It was about 40 minutes before the army arrived when he heard a very confident footstep. It was loud and sure, without any hesitation.
                “Jerry, could you be more silent ? You told me to, so-“
                “BOOM ! Not Jerry ! Ho ho ho !”
                “What ?! Who-“ He was so shocked as he stared into the person’s eyes. It was not Jerry.
                “You thought there are only you two here ? Count me in, please !”
                “L-l-l-lord... How ?”
                “Magic, perhaps. I don’t know either. I woke up in a room and I kick a door and I ran and I kick another door and I ran some more and blablablabla. DOES IT MATTER !? I am alive, that’s what matters most, right ?!”
                “So... Tom didn’t...”
                “So it was that Doctor Tom ? Damn it. I knew it was him all along ! You know, criminal instinct, hehehe.”
                “Where is Jerry ?! Where is him ?!”
                “Dunno, boss. I came here all by myself. You left me all alone, boss.”
                “Don’t call me boss ! I need my meds now, damn it !”
                “Wait, what ? Meds ? This bottle ?” Lord Renato showed the bottle that Doctor Jerry found and threw it to Doctor Peter. He took the medicine as soon as he caught the bottle.
                “It is ! You get it from my office, right ? You must have seen Jerry !”
                “I did see him. He took this bottle from a shelf in your office.”
                “Now, where is him !?”
                “I don’t know where he is ! Well, back at the office, he turned and saw me and screamed so loud my ears hurt a lot ! I need to shut him up, right ? I hit his head with a rod in my hand and poof ! HE GOT ALL QUIET ! Awesome ! My ears didn’t hurt anymore !”
                “YOU KILLED HIM, YOU SICK PSYCHO !”
                “Woah. Stop it right there, dude. I didn’t kill him, I shut him up. He gone quiet, I left, and that’s it. If he’s dead, it wasn’t me. Definitely not me. But still, we don’t need anybody around here. Just the two of us is enough, right ?”
                “I’LL KILL YOU !” They fought hard. One punch after the other. One kick after the other. They strangled each other. Doctor Peter used all his power to match the psycho’s physycal power. A teeth fell from both of them. It was an equal fight. Bruises everywhere. Scratches all over their bodies. Torn clothes. Fresh blood.
                “DIE, PSYCHO !”
                “Too bad you can’t kill me, Doc !”
                “I’ll kill you ! I’ll definitely kill you !”
                “You can’t kill a part of yourself, Peter ! You can’t !”

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