Selasa, 24 November 2015

Original Story : I Am Whole #7

Part 7 : Wait

                Doctor Jerry opened the archive room and locked the door again. It should be safe there, because there weren't any windows or vents large enough to fit a man. They holed up in the staff room and waited for the rescue team.
                “Is there really nothing we can do except wait ? My brain will rot soon. “ Said Doctor Jerry.
                “Let’s just sleep it off. The rescue team should take about 2 hours. We can wait.” Said Doctor Peter. So they slept.
                After just 15 minutes, they heard a loud bang on the door.
                “What’s that ? Peter, wake up !”
                “What is it, Jerry ? That guy’s here ?”
                “I'm not sure. I heard a loud sound. Maybe someone trying to get in ! Let’s check it !”
                “Okay. Let’s just grab something for protection.”
                Doctor Jerry grabbed a very thick and sturdy folder and Doctor Peter grabbed a phonebook. They were closing in the door when it suddenly opened from outside. BOOM !
                “Something went through the door ! It’s a man !”
                “Take him down !”
                Both of them jumped to the man and held him tight.
                “It’s me ! It’s me ! Get off !” It was Doctor Tom.
                “Tom ! Where have you been ? What happened to you ?” Asked Doctor Jerry.
                “After I gave the med to the intern kid, I thought it would be wise to come and help you. So I searched for you. Then someone knocked me out and locked me in your office, Peter. When I wake up, I just smashed through the door, but then this guy chased me ! He had a gun in his hand ! I ran and now I'm here. I guess I could hide here, but you were inside. That’s that.”
                “Really ? That mysterious guy have my key ? And now he is up and running ? Damn it !” Said Doctor Peter.
                “Now, we need to hide. We need to stay calm and avoid that guy.” Said Doctor Jerry. “Let’s get into the staff room and lock the door.”
                They hid there for the next 15 minutes until Doctor Peter saw something he didn't expect. A wig. Black hair. It was on Doctor Tom’s lab coat. Doctor Peter got extremely suspicious.
                “Hey Tom, you did see the guy with the knife, right ?”
                “Of course. I didn't recognize him though.”
                “What was he like ? His hair ? His face ?“
                “Why are you asking that now, Peter ? We need to be completely silent !” Said Doctor Jerry in a soft voice.
                “Maybe the guy we saw doesn't work alone. Maybe Tom saw his  friend. We need to know that.”
                “Well, he wore a glasses so I didn't see his face clearly. He wore a lab coat, our lab coat. His hair is black, I think.” Answered Doctor Tom.
                “That’s definitely the guy we saw. So, he is alone.” Said Doctor Jerry.
                Suddenly, Doctor Peter snatched the wig from Doctor Tom’s coat’s pocket and held it high. A pair of glasses also fell from the pocket.
                “Explain this, Tom ! Explain yourself !” Doctor Peter shouted.
                “What ? What’s that ? I don’t know that !”
                “That is definitely the guy’s glasses ! I can’t forget it ! Tom, how could you-“
                “That’s not mine ! I don’t know why it’s here !”
                “Shut up, Tom ! And stay down !”
                “I'm not what you think ! Calm down !”
                “Sorry, Tom.” Said Doctor Jerry as he hit Doctor Tom’s head hard with a phonebook. “That will keep him down for a while.”
                “I never thought he was the guy until I saw the wig ! Damn ! I didn't expect this !”
                “Let’s just lock him here. He can’t get out of this room without the keys.”
                “Good idea. Let’s go now.” Said Doctor Peter as he locked the door.

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